- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 775
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 793
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 772
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 750
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 822
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 760
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 771
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 804
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 821
- 刘轶liuyilook
- 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- 786
- 请求信息 : 2024-09-13 13:04:03 HTTP/1.1 GET : www.xingpan.vip/index/index/articlelist/label_id/2.html?label_id=2&page=11
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- 缓存信息 : 0 reads,0 writes
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- [ DB ] INIT mysql
- [ CACHE ] INIT redis
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\InitBase @app_init [ RunTime:0.002072s ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run app\common\behavior\InitHook @app_init [ RunTime:0.000774s ]
- [ LANG ] /data/wwwroot/www/thinkphp/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ ROUTE ] array (
'type' => 'module',
'module' =>
array (
0 => 'index',
1 => 'index',
2 => 'articlelist',
- [ HEADER ] array (
'connection' => 'Keep-Alive',
'host' => 'www.xingpan.vip',
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- [ PARAM ] array (
'label_id' => '2',
'page' => '11',
- [ LANG ] /data/wwwroot/www/public/../app/index/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ CACHE ] INIT File
- [ RUN ] app\index\controller\Index->articlelist[ /data/wwwroot/www/app/index/controller/Index.php ]
- [ VIEW ] /data/wwwroot/www/app/index/view/default/index/article_list.html [ array (
0 => 'loading_icon',
1 => 'pjax_mode',
2 => 'static_root',
3 => 'blogroll_column',
4 => 'navigation_list',
5 => 'swiper_column',
6 => 'navigation_id',
7 => 'company_info',
8 => 'article_list',
9 => 'article_category',
10 => 'label_column',
11 => 'article_clean_list',
) ]
- [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000208s ] mysql:dbname=astrolabe;host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_config` [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_config` [ RunTime:0.000114s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_config',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 26,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_hook` [ RunTime:0.000289s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`name`,`addon_list` FROM `as_hook` [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_hook',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 3,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_blogroll` [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_blogroll` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000097s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => NULL,
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => NULL,
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => NULL,
'filtered' => NULL,
'extra' => 'no matching row in const table',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_navigation` [ RunTime:0.000282s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000115s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 10.0,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 4 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000112s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 5 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000108s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 6 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000102s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 7 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000119s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 8 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000099s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 9 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000124s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 10 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000115s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 11 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000101s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 12 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000109s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 13 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000105s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 14 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000125s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 15 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000114s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 3 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000109s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 2 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000106s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `id`,`pid`,`name`,`mainly`,`icon`,`url`,`sort`,`describe`,`seo_id`,`update_time`,`create_time`,`member_id`,`status` FROM `as_navigation` WHERE `pid` = 1 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_navigation',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 15,
'filtered' => 6.666666030883789,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_swiper` [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_swiper` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `location` = 15 ORDER BY sort asc [ RunTime:0.000106s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_swiper',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 4,
'filtered' => 25.0,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_article_label_access` [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `article_id` FROM `as_article_label_access` WHERE `label_id` = 2 [ RunTime:0.000106s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article_label_access',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2538,
'filtered' => 10.0,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_article` [ RunTime:0.000280s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `as_article` `a` INNER JOIN `as_article_category` `ac` ON `a`.`category_id`=`ac`.`id` WHERE `a`.`status` = 1 AND `a`.`id` IN (9,17,18,29,30,31,32,34,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,65,66,70,71,72,75,76,77,79,80,81,82,85,86,87,89,92,93,94,96,100,101,102,104,107,108,109,111,114,115,116,119,123,124,128,131,133,134,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,178,179,184,185,186,187,188,190,191,194,196,198,199,200,219,249,252,253,257,259,260,261,262,276,278,279,280,281,282,283,287,289,290,291,299,300,302,306,309,312,319,320,322,324,329,332,335,339,341,383,448) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000183s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'a',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'range',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 155,
'filtered' => 10.0,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `a`.`id`,`a`.`cover_id`,`a`.`author`,`a`.`category_id`,`a`.`name`,`a`.`view`,`a`.`seo_id`,ac.name as category_name FROM `as_article` `a` INNER JOIN `as_article_category` `ac` ON `a`.`category_id`=`ac`.`id` WHERE `a`.`status` = 1 AND `a`.`id` IN (9,17,18,29,30,31,32,34,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,65,66,70,71,72,75,76,77,79,80,81,82,85,86,87,89,92,93,94,96,100,101,102,104,107,108,109,111,114,115,116,119,123,124,128,131,133,134,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,178,179,184,185,186,187,188,190,191,194,196,198,199,200,219,249,252,253,257,259,260,261,262,276,278,279,280,281,282,283,287,289,290,291,299,300,302,306,309,312,319,320,322,324,329,332,335,339,341,383,448) ORDER BY a.create_time desc LIMIT 100,10 [ RunTime:0.000641s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'a',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'range',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 155,
'filtered' => 10.0,
'extra' => 'Using where; Using filesort',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_article_category` [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_article_category` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 4,
'filtered' => 25.0,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(id) AS tp_count FROM `as_article` WHERE `category_id` = 1 AND `status` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000088s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2620,
'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(id) AS tp_count FROM `as_article` WHERE `category_id` = 3 AND `status` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000103s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2620,
'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(id) AS tp_count FROM `as_article` WHERE `category_id` = 4 AND `status` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2620,
'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_label` [ RunTime:0.000262s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_label` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000091s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_label',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2,
'filtered' => 50.0,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `as_article` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `is_hot` = 1 LIMIT 6 [ RunTime:0.000205s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_article',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 2620,
'filtered' => 1.0000001192092896,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `as_picture` [ RunTime:0.000297s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000085s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000095s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000090s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000089s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000083s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000113s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000084s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000085s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000108s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000114s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `path`,`url` FROM `as_picture` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000097s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'as_picture',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]